L’International Free and Open Source Software Law Review, (IFOSS L. Rev.) Volume 2, Issue 1, è uscito con un mio articolo circa il recente caso in cui la Corte Costituzionale ha ritenuto — tra altre cose — legittimo costituzionalmente accordare preferenza nelle gare di appalto a programmi sotto condizioni di Software Libero. L’articolo si intitola: “Italian Constitutional Court gives way to Free-Software friendly laws“. Questo l’abstract (in inglese):


The Constitutional Court in Italy has ruled on the compliance with the Italian Constitution of a Regional law issued by Piedmont on Free and Open Source Software and Open Standard. The result is that a Regional law can give more “weight” in public procurements to offers that provide Free Software and implement Open Standards. The Court holds that a similar provision is compatible with the Constitution and – more specifically – such a preference is not against competition. This ruling dismantles therefore one of the most cunning objections against similar provisions that blossom across Europe, because it does not give preference to a technical solution, but rather to a peculiar asset of rights.



Tipo di Entry:&nbsp;

  <a href="/articoli">Articoli</a>


  <a href="/taxonomy/term/35">Normazione</a>

  <a href="/taxonomy/term/37">Interoperabilità</a>

  <a href="/taxonomy/term/54">Software Libero</a>

  <a href="/taxonomy/term/55">Software nella PA</a>


  <a href="/taxonomy/term/23">Software Libero, libertà digitali</a>