Andy Updegrove has published his own take on the Rambus case, which he was following more closing from an US perspective. Andy is a leading authority when it comes to the law in the standards world, and beyond. We have had the opportunity to discuss this case earlier on, and I find his insight very valuable.

His article can be found at:…

The final quote of it:


“And most importantly, we will finally have an object lesson to others for what may happen as a result of the much disputed, incessantly litigated, and certainly regrettable activities that occurred within JEDEC these many years ago.”


My earlier article on the same topic — less on the case at hand and more on the spillovers from it — can be found here.

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  <a href="/taxonomy/term/49">From other sources</a>


  <a href="/taxonomy/term/34">Normation</a>

  <a href="/taxonomy/term/36">Interoperability</a>

  <a href="/taxonomy/term/53">Free Software</a>


  <a href="/taxonomy/term/18">Free software, digital liberties</a>